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正规博彩十大网站排名学院 strives to create a community of access and inclusion on campus. More students with disabilities and/or health conditions are connecting with the Office of 访问教育. 然而, many students first disclose their disability to a faculty/staff member before establishing services with OAE. Below are some ways to help connect students with disabilities and/or health conditions to our office.


OAE works with students who have disabilities and/or health conditions that effect a wide range of major life activities. 除了为有身体和感官障碍的学生服务, OAE与以下学生合作:

  • 心理诊断,如焦虑、抑郁、双相情感障碍或创伤后应激障碍
  • 学习障碍,如多动症或阅读障碍
  • Chronic health conditions such as HIV, cancer, traumatic brain injuries, food allergies or diabetes

While this is not an exhaustive list, it does represent common reasons that students work with OAE. It is not uncommon for students to be unaware of OAE as many students did not engage with resources in K-12. 教师 or staff are often the first people who students share health conditions and/or struggles related to disabilities in interactions. Below are some resources on how to refer a student to OAE to see if we can be of assistance and support for them.

If you have questions about whether OAE is and appropriate resource please contact an OAE staff person.


  • 如果学生直接向你透露残疾或健康状况
    • Example: a student shares with you that they are depressed and on medication
  • 学生披露接受过去的住宿或服务, 要么是转学生,要么是K-12
    • Example: a student shares they previously had extra time on an exam in another course or school and want to use them here


如果你看到一个学生在挣扎, 你直接与他们交流,分享校园资源


  • Email template idea to share with a student who directly self discloses a disability or health condition to you is below. You are welcome to copy and paste, with necessary edits related to your situation. 如果学生与你分享有关残疾的信息, making this direct referral is not a violation of confidentiality; rather, 你是在给他们提供最能帮助他们探索选择的资源:
    • 你好,学生, 谢谢你! for our conversation yesterday it was great to learn more about you and discuss aspects of the class. I wanted to follow up with information about an office on campus who you can connect with to discuss resources that could be helpful in your academic pursuits.
      • The Office of 访问教育 (OAE) works with a wide range of disabilities and health conditions either on a temporary or permanent basis. 他们的重点是确保学生有机会. 你可以通过访问 无障碍教育办公室网站 or scheduling a meeting via COMPASS if you want to talk in detail about questions you have. 谢谢你!.
  • 如果学生被推荐到校园资源,请发送电子邮件. You are welcome to copy and paste, with necessary edits related to your situation.
    • 你好,学生, 谢谢你! for our conversation yesterday it was great to learn more about you and discuss aspects of the class. I wanted to follow up with information about a few offices on campus that you may want to connect in support of your academic pursuits.
      • The Office of 访问教育 (OAE) works will a wide range of disabilities and health conditions either on a temporary or permanent basis. 他们的重点是确保学生有机会. 你可以通过访问 无障碍教育办公室网站 or scheduling a meeting via COMPASS if you want to talk in detail about questions you have. 谢谢你!.
        • NOTE: Add additional offices you are suggesting to the student including the Wellness Center, 峰会顾问, 等.

学生自我披露的权利 & 保密

Remember that our students are adults; they may respond best to private conversations in which you use an inquiring and supportive approach and share information about the existence and location of the OAE office. 只有学生才能决定是否透露自己的残疾, 或者查询有关可用服务的信息. Therefore, it is essential that disability information be kept confidential as it falls under FERPA. 再一次。, making the direct referral to OAE is not a violation of the student’s confidentiality but at no time should the class or other students be informed that a student has a disability, 除非学生提出要求. All information that a student shares with a faculty member is to be used specifically for arranging reasonable accommodations for the course of study.


All information and documentation submitted to OAE is kept separate from an academic record and is considered private under the 家庭教育权利和隐私法(FERPA). HIPPA privacy and confidentiality guides do not apply to documents submitted to OAE for they are not being used for treatment. Under FERPA guidelines OAE cannot guarantee complete confidentiality as there may be times when sharing some information with other ASC staff/faculty is necessary on an educational need to know basis (i.e. 便利住宿程序).


Formal requests for accommodations will come to you in a 教师 Notification Letter (FNL) via our AIM System. The accommodations in these letters are not meant to give students with disabilities an unfair advantage, but rather to give them an equal opportunity to demonstrate mastery of course content. 尽管学生可以在任何时候要求学术调整, 学生应该尽早提出要求. 一些学术调整可能比其他调整需要更多的时间. The student should follow established procedures to ensure that the College has enough time to review the request and provide an appropriate academic adjustment.

也, OAE does not ask that instructors modify essential course requirements for the sake of the student. Any faculty member considering denying an accommodation because it modifies an essential course requirement should consult with OAE; the responsibility and authority for determining appropriate and reasonable accommodations lies with OAE. 如果你对民族解放力量或住宿有任何问题或关切, 请与学生指定的OAE工作人员联系.
