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Students are expected and encouraged to attend class and meet deadlines for assignments and tests. 学院有权制定出勤和迟到政策. 然而, if a student has a disability with random or cyclical acute episodes that may occasionally impact the ability to attend class and complete tests or assignments at the scheduled time, flexibility in attendance/assignments may be considered an appropriate accommodation. The number of allowable absences and length of assignment extensions depends on the interactive or participatory nature of a course, 或者是基于部门的, 大学或认证机构的规定.

OAE为学生制定了指导方针 & 教师帮助导航这种住宿. 请参阅下面的详细政策.



我们希望并鼓励学生定期上课. 学院有权制定出勤政策. The number of allowable absences depends on the interactive or participatory nature of a course, 或者是基于部门的, 大学或认证机构的规定. Therefore, attendance policies are set by faculty at the college or departmental level.

Students are expected and encouraged to meet all deadlines for assignments and tests. 学院有权制定加班政策.


Students who may not adhere to an attendance policy or may miss an assignment deadline or test due to circumstances directly related to a disability may seek an accommodation. The process for requesting this accommodation is through the Office of 访问教育 (OAE). 所有请求都将单独考虑.


Some disabilities are episodic in nature with random or cyclical acute episodes and as a result the disability may occasionally impact the students’ ability to attend class, 在规定的时间内完成作业或参加考试. In cases such as these flexibility in attendance/assignments may be considered an appropriate accommodation.

对于被批准住宿的学生, we will seek an understanding in the role attendance plays in the design of your course. As well a basic understanding of the impact or role timing of assignments and exams play in the interactive or participatory nature of a course.


  • 课程出勤政策是什么? 课程描述和教学大纲是怎么说的?
  • 用什么方法计算期末成绩? (出勤、作业、考试等.)
  • 出勤政策和迟到或旷课政策是否一致执行? 有
    exceptions to the policy made for extenuating circumstances, such as athletic travel or religious
  • How much interaction is there between the instructor and students and among students?
  • Do student contributions constitute a significant component of the learning process?
  • Does the design of the course rely on student participation as a significant method for learning? 出席和/或他们的任务(项目)贡献?
  • 是否有只在课堂上提供的内容?
  • To what degree does a student’s failure to attend class or do an assignment on time compromise the

如果一个住宿被确定是合理的, OAE将与您和您的学生一起明确规定:

  • 你的学生应该如何以及何时通知你他们缺课
  • 你的学生将如何补交错过的作业和/或考试
  • The number of absences (beyond what any student is allowed) that would be reasonable
  • If it is reasonable for online discussion expectations to be modified due to disability related reasons and under what conditions
  • If it is reasonable to extend the window for completing online exams or assignments


The Office of 访问教育 (OAE) determines that the accommodation is reasonable. We explain to students that this does not mean that they can miss as many classes as they want. 此外,学生有责任完成所有的课程作业.

OAE will provide students with copies of the Course Agreement form to complete with instructors at the beginning of the semester if possible. 一旦教师完成这些表格,我们要求学生
安排与OAE工作人员的会议来审查和批准协议. 任何问题
应直接联系OAE (404-471-6174). Tip: A general rule to consider for determining a reasonable timeframe for a makeup or postponement of an assignment, 纸, 考试或测验通常至少为48小时. 在某些课程中, 考虑另一个任务可能是合适的, 阅读或做专题以弥补错过的课堂讨论或专题.

OAE will send the 协议 to the student once it is received from the faculty member and approved by OAE.

If the student has concerns or questions, regarding what the faculty has indicated in the 协议,

Once the 协议 is sent to the student it will be considered active in three business days if the
学生没有回应. OAE,学生和教师都将收到一份



教师 are still responsible for this accommodation even if they delay in responding to OAE.

Some students register late in the term and some wait to respond to the need to sign the 协议. 在这种情况下,教职员工不应提供追溯性住宿. 然而, it may still be helpful to have this information, even at a late point in the term.

At no time is the student required to present the faculty member with medical documentation verifying a disability related absence for this accommodation.

If the absences meet or exceed 50% of those agreed upon in the Flexibility in Attendance/Assignments Agreement, OAE应由学生通知. This will allow OAE to be of assistance in answering questions about the accommodations from both the student and the faculty member.

Absences that are not related to the effects of a disability are not included in this accommodation (i.e. 因常见病、汽车故障等原因缺勤.) and should be addressed according to the syllabus stated attendance/absence policy. The student is responsible for following the faculty member’s syllabus regarding absences due to non-disability related issues.

An accommodation in attendance is not reasonable if regular attendance is essential to the course



Students have the responsibility for completing all class work and should be held to the same standard as all other students.
