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Resume Writing Guide

A well-crafted, 有针对性的简历可以打开求职之门,让你在申请实习时占据优势, jobs, scholars programs and other activities. 本指南中提供的技巧是使你的简历在打印或被招聘人员或应用软件查看/扫描时具有吸引力和易于阅读. 除了使用本指南,您还可以查看张贴在Buttrick G-26上的学生简历样本.

Consistent and Effective Formatting

专家表示,招聘人员在决定是否仔细阅读简历之前,大约会花10秒钟浏览一份简历. For online applications, a computer scans and rates your resume. Therefore, your resume needs one-column formatting, a good amount of clear space and compelling content.


  • Margins: .8” to 1.”
  • Length: Resumes should be one page. Curricula vitae (CVs) are longer and require more sections.
  • 字体:全黑,易于阅读/扫描的字体,如Calibri, Arial, Arial Narrow或Georgia.
  • Font size: 10-12 point for body copy; 14-18 point for your name (centered or left-justified).
  • 粗体:有节制地使用,并始终如一地强调学校或组织的名称.
  • 斜体字:用少量的斜体字来强调职位头衔和你想要获得的学位.
  • 避免使用表格、列、文本框、页眉、页脚、下划线、图形或符号. 它们要么太不正式,要么无法被在线应用软件读取.
  • Bullets: Use solid round or square black bullets. Begin bullets with verbs. Avoid personal pronouns like “I” and “we.”

Professional, Accurate Information

使用一个合适的电子邮件地址——你的艾格尼丝·斯科特地址或你专门为职业相关通信创建的地址——以及一个带有专业语音信箱的电话号码. 确保你定期查看电子邮件和语音邮件,并且专业地接听电话. Your physical address is not necessary on your resume, except for federal and some academic applications.

Meaningful Section Titles 

Resumes: organize your information into logical categories. Standard resume sections include:

  • Education
  • Experience
  • Leadership (alternately, Campus & Community Involvement)
  • Skills

Employers no longer prefer an objective on a resume; your cover letter states your internship/job objective.

CVs: If you’re a junior/senior pursuing research positions or grad school, you may extend the document to two pages, if you have significant Lab or research experience, presentations, or publications. 


  • 列出你正在攻读的学位的全名:文学学士/理科学士(如果决定的话)
  • GPA: Include if 3.0 or above. List your major GPA instead if it is higher.
  • Relevant Coursework: List names of high-level courses (for example, (经济学专业的计量经济学)或你已经修过/正在修的与你应聘职位相关的选修课程. Separate courses with commas.
  • 全球旅行/出国留学:描述你正在学习/学习的主题以及你在旅行中做了什么.
  • High School: Remove by the end of your sophomore year, 除非你毕业于你所求职城市的一所顶尖高中.


Relevant experience comes from many situations, including internships (both paid and unpaid) and part-time, summer and work-study jobs. Review jobs or internships of interest carefully. In your resume, 包括最近的经历,最好地展示你的优势是如何符合这些职位的要求的.

按时间倒序列出你所担任的职位(截止日期), beginning with the current or most recent position. 每个职位用两到四个要点,这样便于读者浏览你的简历.

  • Start each bullet with an action verb and describe what you did/do, for whom and why, including the outcome. Do not begin bullets with “responsible for” or “duties included.”
  • For current positions, use the “I” form of the present tense verb. Use past tense if you’re no longer in the role.
  • Do not use personal pronouns (I, my, our, etc.) Avoid informal language, slang and unfamiliar acronyms.
  • Each bullet point must be clear, truthful, and comprehensive. Provide impressive details as opposed to vague descriptions; however, try not to exceed two lines per bullet.
  • Think Situation, Action, 和结果(SAR):每个要点应该描述一个具体的情况, the action(s) you took, and the results you achieved. Examples:
    • 研究和组织100多家亚特兰大地铁公司的招聘计划和实践信息,为学生创建入门级工作机会目录.
    • 被学院选为200级化学和生物课程的导师,每周授课4小时. 经过培训,能够识别学习挑战并教授提高记忆力的策略.
    • 监督由六名迎新领导组成的团队,为一年级学生制定并执行学生关系活动计划, improving program satisfaction ratings by 10% over the previous year.
  • Under each position, list the most impressive/relevant bullet first. Save “basic” tasks for the last bullets or omit them altogether.

Leadership (or Campus & Community Involvement):

Employers like to see students involved on- and off-campus. 列出你在大学期间担任过的领导职位,并描述你在每个职位上取得的成就. Also, 列出任何可能不需要领导,但表现出奉献精神和成就的活动.

Rather than stating the purpose of the club, student government, or other groups, 描述你是如何对学校的成功或你所在的校园/当地社区产生积极影响的. Examples:

  • 与执行委员会合作策划校园范围内的教育活动,例如 ...
  • 让低收入家庭的孩子每周参加两个小时的阅读和数学活动.
  • 全年与23名队员一起训练,在秋季每月参加7场比赛.
  • 每月研究并撰写两到三篇国际新闻文章,发表在“概要”网站上.
  • Volunteer several times each semester to support local nonprofits by …



Industry-Specific Keywords: 

关键词是应用软件用来对数字简历进行分类/评分的典型名词. 招聘人员、人力资源人员和招聘经理在浏览简历时也会寻找关键词. 通过阅读想要的工作/实习职位来确定你最相关的关键词. 当它们是真实的并且适合你申请的职位时,在你的简历中使用它们.


Unless requested, do not include references. Alternately, you may state “references available upon request.”

  • If you're asked to submit references, 在单独的一页上列出这些名字,包括联系信息和你与每个推荐人的关系. 在简历页贴上你的名字和正规博彩十大网站排名,以免与简历分开.
  • Ask supervisors, professors or community leaders who can speak to your dedication, integrity and ability in advance for permission to list them as a reference.


确保你的简历没有任何语法错误或事实错误. Have a skilled proofreader review your resume. 为了保持简历的格式,在发送之前将简历保存为PDF格式. Don’t send your resume in Word unless specifically requested. If offering your resume in person, 用≥20磅重的白色或非白色纸张打印或复制您的文件.

If you would like for us to review your resume, you may upload it to We can usually provide feedback to you in five business days. 您也可以在学年的办公时间(周三和周四下午2:00-4:00)与我们见面.m. in Buttrick G-26).

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